1.If you're nothing without that suit, then you shouldn't have it.
如果你离开了这套战衣就一无是处的话,那你不应该拥有它。--Iron Man (钢铁侠)《蜘蛛侠:英雄归来》(Spider-Man:Homecoming)
2.I can do this all day.
我可以和你这样耗一天。--《美国队长》(Captain America)
3.I ask you to what end. Dread it ,run from it... Destiny arrives all the same. And now it's here,or I should say…… I am.
结局是什么 恐惧,逃避…… 命运终会降临。现在,他来了,或者我应该说命运就是我。--Thanos(灭霸) 《复仇者联盟3:无限战争》(Avengers: Infinity War)
4.I love you three thousand times.
我爱你三千遍。--Morgan Stark 摩根 斯坦克(钢铁侠的女儿)《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》(Avengers: Endgame)
5.Failure is the fog through which we glimpse triumph.
失败是迷雾,穿过它,我们就可以瞥见光明。--Tony Stark 托尼 斯坦克《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》(Avengers: Endgame)
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